For the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter, God provided a lot of little factories. For clothing, He made little wool factories (called sheep), little cotton factories (called cotton plants), and little leather factories (various animals). For shelter, he gave us lumber factories (called trees). For food, God made all kinds of factories (plants, fruit or nut-bearing trees, animals)
It is amazing when you compare God's factories with the factories of man. For synthetic fibers, mankind has made huge factories which deal in toxic chemicals and put a lot of crap into the atmosphere. For synthetic house materials, we again have created some of the most toxic chemicals known to man.
Many people are alergic to some of these synthetic fibers and household materials, but very few are alergic to the products of God's little factories--cotton and wood.
God's little factories are pretty much self-sustaining and don't leave much of a carbon footprint. Some, like trees, actually improve the air quality. They practically run themselves, and very efficiently I may say.
It all goes to show the superiority of God in his factory creation and the love of God in his giving them to us.
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