When most chemnicals move from gas to liquid to solid, the molecules come closer together. The substance becomes more dense.
This is not true of water. When water moves from liquid to solid, the molecules move further apart. Solid ice is less dense than liquid water.
Why is this important? Because it is less dense, ice floats on the surface of liquid water. However, if ice acted like normal chemicals, it would form on the bottom.
As a result, if ice had been normal, it would form every winter on the bottom of lakes. It would kill or engulf the plant life on the bottom of the lakes. Without the plant life in the lakes, you would kill off most of the animal life in the lakes.
To prevent all of this death and destruction, God created water in such a unique way that it would not behave like most other chemicals. It is another example of his great love and great concern for his creation.
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