Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Little Thing #12: Chicken Feed
The best proof of I know for God is the chicken egg. Nutrition-wise, it is one of the best single source food products one can find. Versatility-wise, you can eat an egg in so many ways--boiled, fried, and baked. And it goes well with so many other foods.
And it is so convenient. You don't have to kill anything, butcher anything, or skin anything. You just have to pick it up. And you can get more every day.
Scientists say the shape of the chicken egg is one of the sturdiest possible designs for a thin shell. Did the chicken dream-up the physics behind that shape? And how does the chicken get that shell around the egg as it plops into the nest. That is a miracle.
To paraphrase Shirley Temple, when asked why she thinks her chicken is so special, says, "My chicken can lay an egg. Can you?"
And the chicken does it all by only using the raw material of chicken feed. Imagine if we humans had to invent something as nutritious, versitile and sturdy as an egg. I'm sure it would cost a fortune--not chicken feed.
Yes, only a loving God could invent the chicken egg.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Little Thing #11: Liquid Heat

In many climates, there are times of the year when it can get fairly cold. If we were not able to create artificial heat, we would freeze. And even if you live in a warmer climate, all areas tend to get dark. So finding ways to heat and light the environment are very important.
What is amazing to me is that many of the substances God has provided to create heat and light have the quality of lower than average freezing points. Things like heating oil, kerosene, gasoline, whale oil, and so on stay liquid (or refuse to become rock solid) at relatively cold temperatures--typically at far lower temperatures than water-based liquids.
Liquids tend to work better in heating and illuminating devices, like furnaces or lamps. As a liquid, they can travel up a wick, which is a more controlled way to create the heat and light. Liquids can be poured on other substances (like charcoal) and absorbed, making them better at providing heat. It is easier to control the rate of consumption of these highly combustable substances in a liquid form.
Imagine how hard it would be to run a car if gasoline froze at warm temperatures. Heating devices would be fairly worthless if you had to first heat up the device before you could use their fuel.
It is so wonderful that God designed combustable fuels to have low freezing points. Life would be so much more difficult otherwise. The master chemist does it again.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Snow is Super

In the wintertime, it is difficult for the animals in the wild to find water. The ground is hard and the lakes and rivers are frozen. In our earlier, more rugged days, we humans would have been without water as well.
Water is essential to life, so not having water in the winter would not do. Therefore, God performed a miracle. He created a unique way for water to get cold without turning into ice. We call it snow. Snow is a wonderful, unique structure that lies on the ground in such a way that the animals and us can just scoop it up and eat it.
But God didn't stop there. Not only is snow functionally unique and is a work of art. Every snowflake is a special and beautiful design. Together, they are a blanket of beauty.
Unique function and unique beauty. Only God has the love and the power to do that.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Spit is Special

Our saliva was designed to help begin the process of breaking down the food we eat. The same chemical that helps saliva break down food can be used as spit to help break down organic compounds in cleaning.
A little "spit and polish" really works because of what is in the spit.
God was so generous to give of a cleaning agent that can go with us wherever we are and be ready at a moment's notice to tackle the the problem. And it's free, too. And it doesn't imvolve a lot of harsh chemicals that can hurt the environment. That is so God.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Little Thing #8: Parts Per Million

My wife used to work in the lab of a hospital, where she would do lots of tests. A common task was to test blood samples for the presence of certain chemicals.
As she would tell me, the difference between being in perfect health and in being near death could often be due to a very small difference in the amount of some chemical in your bloodstream--as little as a few parts per million.
Wow! When you think about how we abuse our bodies--eating poorly, not exercising or not getting enough sleep (or other things even worse)--its a wonder that we all don't just keel over and die on the spot.
But even though God designed these bodies to be fine-tuned machines with very small tolerances for chemical deviation, he also designed them to be able to adapt to less than perfect living and still live within those tolerances. That is a pretty remarkable thing.
Only a great God could create such a great wonder as that. So next time you eat a Twinkie, thank God that he built a body that can tolerate it and still live within its chemical tolerances.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Little Thing #7: Thunder Storms

Due to the way God designed the science of Meteorology, heavy storms are most likely to occur at night. It has to do with the temperature change to cooler at night.
What makes this so wonderful is that God knows we need the rain. He also knows that we have productive things to do in the day that could be impared by rain. Therefore, God sees to it that the majority of the rain occurs at night, when it is least likely to upset our plans. That way, we get the best of both worlds--productive days and renewing nights (both for us and for the earth).
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Litttle Thing #6: Little Factories

For the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter, God provided a lot of little factories. For clothing, He made little wool factories (called sheep), little cotton factories (called cotton plants), and little leather factories (various animals). For shelter, he gave us lumber factories (called trees). For food, God made all kinds of factories (plants, fruit or nut-bearing trees, animals)
It is amazing when you compare God's factories with the factories of man. For synthetic fibers, mankind has made huge factories which deal in toxic chemicals and put a lot of crap into the atmosphere. For synthetic house materials, we again have created some of the most toxic chemicals known to man.
Many people are alergic to some of these synthetic fibers and household materials, but very few are alergic to the products of God's little factories--cotton and wood.
God's little factories are pretty much self-sustaining and don't leave much of a carbon footprint. Some, like trees, actually improve the air quality. They practically run themselves, and very efficiently I may say.
It all goes to show the superiority of God in his factory creation and the love of God in his giving them to us.
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