Thursday, June 18, 2009

Little Thing #8: Parts Per Million

My wife used to work in the lab of a hospital, where she would do lots of tests. A common task was to test blood samples for the presence of certain chemicals.

As she would tell me, the difference between being in perfect health and in being near death could often be due to a very small difference in the amount of some chemical in your bloodstream--as little as a few parts per million.

Wow! When you think about how we abuse our bodies--eating poorly, not exercising or not getting enough sleep (or other things even worse)--its a wonder that we all don't just keel over and die on the spot.

But even though God designed these bodies to be fine-tuned machines with very small tolerances for chemical deviation, he also designed them to be able to adapt to less than perfect living and still live within those tolerances. That is a pretty remarkable thing.

Only a great God could create such a great wonder as that. So next time you eat a Twinkie, thank God that he built a body that can tolerate it and still live within its chemical tolerances.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Little Thing #7: Thunder Storms

Due to the way God designed the science of Meteorology, heavy storms are most likely to occur at night. It has to do with the temperature change to cooler at night.

What makes this so wonderful is that God knows we need the rain. He also knows that we have productive things to do in the day that could be impared by rain. Therefore, God sees to it that the majority of the rain occurs at night, when it is least likely to upset our plans. That way, we get the best of both worlds--productive days and renewing nights (both for us and for the earth).